Getting More Out Of Your Trash
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Getting More Out Of Your Trash

Do you ever think about how much you hate dealing with trash? In addition to collecting it inside of your house for awhile, you might also have to lug that big can outside every few days to shove it in a larger garbage can. However, you might not have to deal with trash as much if you can learn how to recycle. By repurposing your trash, you might be able to toss less, which could save you a lot of time and energy. I know that it sounds crazy, but I have been doing this for a few years and it really works. My site will teach you more, so read up!


Getting More Out Of Your Trash

3 Important Reasons To Follow Curbside Recycling Guidelines

Samantha Bailey

Curbside recycling programs are meant to make reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfills an easy thing for consumers to help out with. All you have to do is make sure you follow the guidelines to properly sort your recyclable materials and keep stuff out of the recycling bin that is not supposed to be there. The company that gives you guidelines about what to place and what not to place in your recycling container does so for good reason. Here is a look at a few of the most important reasons why you should follow your curbside recycling guidelines closely. 

Improper sorting can cause problems with equipment. 

If the recycling company says in their guidelines that you should never put plastic garbage bags in the bins to line them, it is guidelines like this that you should carefully adhere to. Even though it may seem like it would be simple enough to just pull out a bag and discard it, these bags can actually get caught in the equipment inside the pick-up truck that crushes the recyclable materials and cause problems. Many other examples just like this exist. For example, not knowing there is glass in a plastic recycling bin collection could cause damage to the equipment that shreds the plastic at the facility. 

Improper sorting costs the recycling company money. 

Every time an employee has to stop what they are doing to retrieve something from a batch of collected recyclables because it is not supposed to be there, that takes up that employee's time. Every time an improperly disposed piece messes up the equipment, employees not only have to use company time to make repairs, but money also goes to buying new parts and equipment. In a lot of ways, not following the guidelines costs the recycling company money, which is not money most have to freely give. Many recycling companies do not make a lot of profit for what they are doing and instead rely on government funding. 

Improper sorting leads to more waste in the landfill than necessary. 

If you are placing something in a recycling bin that doesn't belong, it usually gets plucked out and sent to the regular trash. For example, if you drop in a bunch of plastic grocery bags even though they are not supposed to be there, the recycling company employees cannot recycle these materials, so they will likely go in the trash. These bags could have gone to your local grocery store for recycling where they would never go to a landfill. 

For more information, contact a company like Industrial Services Inc.
